
So far we have brought our compost toilets to the Borris House Festival Of Writing And IdeasVantastivalAnother Love StoryHealing Spirit and to a number of private events. See the reviews!

“At last! Lavatories that are designed to put environmental concerns back into the conversation of how to dispose of waste! Flushing Meadows look original and kooky, they make those who care smile, make those who don’t care think a bit – and all with grace, humour, adventure ….and without preaching.”

Hugo Jellet
Borris House Festival of Writing & Ideas

“He and his team did a really great job for us this year. We rented 12 toilets from them. We really loved Octo’s compost toilets – they’re spacious and clean and are so much nicer than the portaloos.”

Sam Bishop
Another Love Story

“We had six units in our family campervan area and they worked a treat with no worries about servicing and zero odours. Everyone who used them gave positive reviews.”

Louise Tangney

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